Usually when a new month comes you wish for some changes in your life.
Past few days I've been thinking a lot and I realized I wish I made some mistakes sooner and learned some things before I did something stupid, but it's just water under the bridge. Things have happened and you can't really go back, even if you want. And you realize that timing is everything.
It can build walls or tear them apart.
I was always that kind of girl who tried to see the best in everything, especially in people. I often put other people's needs before mine, because I love them and I would like to see them happy. And that's why it's so hard to me to let go, but sometimes you just need to let go ... even if you try, no matter how hard, some just don't deserve your effort, even if you say "I'm sorry" a million times.
We will always do things we wish we had never done and things we could replay.
We only live once.
So take chances.
Make mistakes.
Fall in love.
Say no.
Laugh out loud.
Seasons change and we grow older, so just live your life. What is meant to be, it will happen, sooner or later.
Lepe fotke! x
OdgovoriIzbrišiŽiva | Nothin' Fancy. Really.
Hvala! x